Wife’s pert ass begging to be fucked

Wife’s pert ass begging to be fucked

Comment if it got you off.

13 Comments for Wife’s pert ass begging to be fucked

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  1. Ge on December 6, 2024: (Reply)

    This makes three times now that I jacked off to you. With more to come.

  2. Anonymous on November 11, 2024: (Reply)

    I’d like both

  3. Al. on November 7, 2024: (Reply)

    She’s in the perfect position to get her primed by licking both holes, then fuck her pussy for a bit until she’s good and sloppy, then pull out and use her pussy juices to slide my big thick cock in her ass balls deep, then fuck her ass until she has an orgasm or three from it, anal orgasms can powerfully intense, she may even squirt from it.

  4. Anonymous on November 7, 2024: (Reply)

    I do kinda want in there…. Thank you for sharing…

  5. Lickit on November 7, 2024: (Reply)

    Just imagine me kissing my up thigh and bury my face in ass crack as start licking your pussy. Then slide my cock in and start pounding you feeling your pussy lips wrap around my shaft as I slide in and out. Caressing your tits as I pound you. Love to see more of your sexy naked body from the front. Flickmypleasure@yahoo.com

  6. Joe on November 7, 2024: (Reply)

    Ready for penetration in both holes!

  7. Buggerer on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    Does she prefer a cock in her cunt or in her arsehole!?

    • Anonymous on November 7, 2024: (Reply)

      Usually a cock in her cunt with my thumb rotating deep into her ass

  8. Db on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    Definitely will jerk to it.

  9. Anon on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    Awesome! What an ass you have and your holes look hot too

  10. Anonymous on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    Not yet but as soon as I get me old cock out I will

  11. Anonymous on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    Looks so tasty. Would love to suck your toes while filling those holes!

  12. Anonymous on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    Oh I’d Jack hammer that ass and pussy from the back until she had cum running out of both holes. Fucking amazing, I already shot 3 loads looking at this

Comment on Wife’s pert ass begging to be fucked?

My milf pussy needs cleaning

My milf pussy needs cleaning

Had a wild night with hubby and friends.

23 Comments for My milf pussy needs cleaning

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  1. Anonymous on January 28, 2025: (Reply)

    I will lick every last drop off you

  2. Steven on January 12, 2025: (Reply)

    I want to lick all the cum from her beautiful ass and then suck every cock milking every drop of CUM from their balls

  3. Bosco on December 12, 2024: (Reply)


  4. Sharon on November 29, 2024: (Reply)

    Nice wish I was there to lick her clean

    • Canuck on December 11, 2024: (Reply)

      Love to watch a woman lick the cum off another’s ass and pussy. I love how you think. So hot.

  5. tit admirer on November 22, 2024: (Reply)

    face or mouth is better

  6. Captain on November 7, 2024: (Reply)

    I would love to see your asshole

  7. her.daddy.his.dirty.little.slut@gmail.com on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    Id like to be one of the friends and pound your pussy and cum all over u.

  8. Anonymous on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    Very hot . How many in total you take on ?

    • Anonymous on November 6, 2024: (Reply)


  9. Hunter on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    Definitely needs more

  10. Magnum on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    This is my fav pic on this site. Love it. Very hot!!

    • Anonymous on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

      Thank you why is that?

      • Magnum on November 7, 2024: (Reply)

        Nice big ass with a lot of cum on it. Multiple guys working you over… what’s not to like? Literally getting hard as I write this. Post more!!

  11. Anonymous on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    Use that cum on your ass as lube fuck you ass 😘

  12. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Her boners outstanding

  13. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Let me give a 1 cause I’m dumb as hell

  14. Hehe on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Mommy’s worn out hope the cum was warm

  15. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    How many guys fucked her

  16. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Make them clean it if I made a mess on that sexy ass I whould clean it

  17. Maxine on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Ohh I’ll help to lick and clean you up. How old are you? And did you have a good time?

  18. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    lovely milf pussy luscious lips

  19. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Wow nice she looks spent 👌 how many times did she cum ? With all those cocks ?lucky friends 🧡

Comment on My milf pussy needs cleaning?

Who likes an experienced pussy?

Who likes an experienced pussy?

I hope there are plenty of you out there who prefer a well used pussy!😜

35 Comments for Who likes an experienced pussy?

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  1. Daz on March 2, 2025: (Reply)

    Would love to lick that well used pussy

  2. Mike on January 14, 2025: (Reply)


  3. Anonymous on January 14, 2025: (Reply)

    Love to watch that take all of my thick cock!

  4. Canuck on January 11, 2025: (Reply)

    Just love your very fleshy labia. Great for licking sucking and nibbling. Love to flick your clit with my tongue. Love experienced for sure. Great pic.

  5. Ge on December 6, 2024: (Reply)

    You can never use a pussy too much. Beautiful pussy.

  6. more pics please on December 1, 2024: (Reply)

    Perfect 10/10, would love to see more pics of your slutty pussy and gorgeous lips. So hot thinking of all the cocks you have taken!

  7. Paul and jenny on November 26, 2024: (Reply)

    Looks like somebody put a M80 in it

  8. Heavyhung on November 23, 2024: (Reply)

    I like a well used pussy for my well used dick

  9. Bruce on November 21, 2024: (Reply)

    Perfect for slowly pushing in my eight inch hog 💋🌹

  10. Anonymous on November 12, 2024: (Reply)

    Looks like burnt rubber

  11. Weapon on November 8, 2024: (Reply)

    More pics love the look of this tasty pussy

  12. c.sanders@live.com on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    As long as she can still grip my cock going in and out of her then she is absolutely perfect!

  13. Anonymous on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    I’m a young 20 year old I give that milf a run for her money sore and dripping cum 😜

  14. Canuck on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    Love a woman with experience and some mileage on them. Love how they know what they want and go for it. Very hot meaty, fleshy pussy I would love to orally spoil bf fucking her deep and slow. Very hot pic.

  15. Jarvison.jason@yahoo.co.uk on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    Loving your pussy, I’d love to feast upon you lady 😉

  16. Ray on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    Wtf did u put in that cunt its destroyed only good for fisting or imserting wine bottles

  17. Hunter on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    Definitely would fuck you plenty of miles left in you

  18. Anonymous on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    Amazing hot and sexy

  19. Booblover618@yahoo.com on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

    Oh hell ya! Love ur pussy.

  20. Dave on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    I love a well used pussy. Looks tasty.

  21. Billy on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    I’m all for that! Let me at it!

  22. J on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Fuck yea can that worn out cunt take a fist ??

  23. Bob on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    You last longer with a looser pussy.

    • Floppies the hippie on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

      No difference than sticking your dick inside a empty 55 gal drum

    • Anonymous on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

      Why would you think it was loose? Looks fine to me with great labia

  24. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Wow that excited me love seeing pussie like yours that a big10

  25. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Looks like it would be good once a month just for a change of things

  26. Houston on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Well used pussy is the best pussy.

  27. Floppies the hippie on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Ugh what dive bar stool did you fall off of?

  28. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Fuck yeah, that’d feel great on my thick throbbing cock! I can still stretch it! I’d dump a thick hot load in it too!

  29. Shark on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Delicious! Means you love to have sex and have had a lot of it !!! 🔥🔥🔥 I have a experienced cock , so I understand
    Sharksswimming @proton.me

  30. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    I am hitting anything. If it’s warm and wet I am putting my cock in it. I’d love to fuck you.

  31. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    No such thing as bad pussy some is just better than others your looks mighty fine to me

  32. Bad hubby on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    I do, especially if I get to cum In it

  33. Rocardon on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    I want your knickers to wank into

Comment on Who likes an experienced pussy??

Tight nice shaved little pussy

Tight nice shaved little pussy

My wife’s tight pussy after i ate her out.

39 Comments for Tight nice shaved little pussy

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  1. Anonymous on November 7, 2024: (Reply)

    So nice

  2. Anonymous on November 7, 2024: (Reply)

    Can we please see that tight asshole?

  3. Anonymous on November 7, 2024: (Reply)

    I bet it hard not cumming fast for her.i know she feels so good. Bwc in nc here

  4. Annie on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Beautiful, absolutely beautiful

  5. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    You have a cute pussy looks identical to my wifes I tried to post her but file was to big .

  6. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Boy you didn’t eat much

    • Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

      🤔You don’t actually “eat” it bud. You’d go to prison for that. 🤦🏽‍♂️ how do you expect it to look? Bite marks and shit.. haha wtf

  7. Bilbo on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    That’s yummy

  8. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Bummer, you are a dude with a dick that posted the pic. We want to talk to the woman who owns the cunt.

    • Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

      Just say “thanks” and keep scrolling douche bag. Maybe go find some pussy if you can get any.

  9. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    New Whores please

  10. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Looks delicious and tight

  11. MX on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    totally oustanding! one of the best i’ve seen. it seems to scream ‘lick and fuck me’ beautiful pussy.

    • Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

      Oh yeah, I’m lucky to get to see her pussy lips hanging out her panties every morning. Wish I could share her whole body with her huge tits. Plus she’s hot as fuck!! When my cock is in that tight pussy and with how hot she is it’s hard to not blow my load in her after a couple minutes.

  12. Lick it on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    I want to pound her pussy looks delicious 😋

  13. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Please let’s see her doggie.

  14. Joe on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Fucking awesome looking pussy.That’s worth 5stars.Keep on sharing.

  15. Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    Whould definitely eat that especially after fucking her good

  16. Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    But I wanna to eat her chooie! Fill her up first!

  17. Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    I bet she looks good in doggie style.Damn I luv that pussy

    • Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

      Oh she cums hard doing doggie. She likes to watch me fuck her in a mirror and my cock slide in and out of her pussy. Her tight pussy drips cum when we fuck like that.

  18. Shark on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    Definitely a very sexy tight little pussy 🔥🔥 Love how sexy it is , so nice and smooth.
    Looks amazing 👅👅👅👅👅
    Sharksswimming @proton.me

  19. Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    Damn I luv her pussy.Maybe the most beautiful I ever seen.In nc if u can?

    • Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

      Definitely one of the best out there. Fucking right I know that. I’ve blown my load in her pussy for the last 14 years.

  20. Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    Good man now I can pump a big load in her wet pussy for ya 😜

  21. Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    Awesome. Get her to lay back as she Is so we can see her pretty star fish…Bwc in nc here

  22. Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    Better eat her again. She’s got a pretty pussy.

  23. Floppies the hippie on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    If you ate her out you must be terrible at it

    • Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

      Hahaha yeah I don’t think she’s complaining when she cums 2-3 times from eating her pussy.

  24. Bad Hubby on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    Do you share? I’d love to eat that out until she cums on my face. Then I’d fill her up, for you to watch her push another man’s cum out of her.

    • Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

      You name fits you are a dirty man !!

  25. Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    Thank u for more pics .This morning when I was stroking to her first pic I came so hard for her.let her know please. In nc if u want to share$$$$$

    • Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

      She will be happy to hear you stroked your cock to her pussy

  26. Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    You guys wanted more of the nicest pussy on here so here you go. She’s a horny 32 year old with tight pussy and likes to give you something to jackoff to.

  27. Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    Omg…that’s natural viagra right there
    .luv to smell taste and feel that beautiful pussy

    • Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

      Her tiny pussy smells so good and taste even better every time.

  28. Jay on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    Now that is a nice pussy! Would love to see another pic of those lips being held wide open.

    • Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

      Go to the second page. I posted a couple days ago. You’ll know when you see it

      • Anonymous on November 6, 2024: (Reply)

        Yeah I saw that one too. Very fucking nice my man! Will she let you post a pic with the inner lips spread open too? I’d really like to see that, and I’m sure others would too.

Comment on Tight nice shaved little pussy?

Freshly Fucked Pussy

Freshly Fucked Pussy

My wife has never had a cock big cock or a BBC! She wants to try one someday soon! Let us know what you would do to her…….

12 Comments for Freshly Fucked Pussy

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  1. Nate. on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    She needs about 4 BBCs in that pussy.

  2. Lickit on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    I’m more happy to her straight away. Her pussy looks delicious love to clean her up yummy. Flickmypleasure@yahoo.com. Is she up for Indian cock.

    • Hubs on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

      Only if your packing a big cock!

      • Lickit on November 7, 2024: (Reply)

        100% packing a big one. As long as she can fit , she will have good time riding my pole. Her legs over my shoulders as I pound her. Love to see more photos send it to me to email. I show her my cock in return.

  3. Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    Who wouldn’t fuck her

  4. Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    not a damn thing until she shaves that sticky mess

  5. pk on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    i got a nine inch white cock id like to fuck her with

    • Hubs on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

      She’s down for white cock!

      • pk on November 7, 2024: (Reply)

        well im really up for it if she is and i can promise her the fucking of her life

        • Hubs on November 7, 2024: (Reply)

          Where you located?

          • pk on November 9, 2024: ()

            the uk

  6. In your hole yoga partner on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    Buy her a razor 🪒 that’s why she hasn’t got a huge cock it too hairy !

Comment on Freshly Fucked Pussy?

Freshly fucked cunt

Freshly fucked cunt

Still opened up who wants sloppy seconds

16 Comments for Freshly fucked cunt

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  1. Anonymous on January 14, 2025: (Reply)

    Love to make that gape on my thick cock!

  2. Ge on December 6, 2024: (Reply)

    I’ll gladly take seconds, thirds…

  3. Heavyhung on November 23, 2024: (Reply)


  4. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    My fat cock would love to plug that and dump a thick creamy load in her!

  5. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Hell yes now that you have been teased I’d love to give you a good fucking

  6. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Take that fuckin top off and I’ll give you nine inches!!

  7. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Do you want 20 guys to line up and use your cunt, will you take all the loads in your puss?

  8. Rocardon on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Give me your knickers to wank into.

  9. Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    Whould gladly fuck her

  10. her.daddy.his.dirty.little.slut@gmail.com on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    I’ll gladly take sloppy seconds, it’d be my pleasure to pound your used cum filled pussy with my big thick cock using and fuckin you like the dirty little slut u are! Till I creampie your hole

  11. Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    Me! Me! Me!

  12. Bad Hubby on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    I want to add another load into that tight pussy. Is it only one Rd or are we switching all nite until she taps

  13. Houston on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    You have a beautiful pussy, I would love to lick it and fuck it. Sloppy seconds are the best.

  14. Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    I would love to feel my cock in your pussy

  15. Anonymous on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    Now it’s ready to eat. Sweet looking cunt.

  16. Shark on November 4, 2024: (Reply)

    I definitely take a spin … nice and opened up for a hard deep 2 nd round ! Looks great
    Sharksswimming @proton.me

Comment on Freshly fucked cunt?