Playing with my pussy and ass

Playing with my pussy and ass

Getting warmed up, who wants me first?

23 Comments for Playing with my pussy and ass

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  1. Canuck on March 4, 2025: (Reply)

    Love to lick your asshole and pussy until you cum. Love to bang you from behind too. Very hot.

  2. Paul on December 10, 2024: (Reply)

    I’d like to join in! Play with your pussy while I fuck your hot little ass with my big thick cock

  3. Anonymous on October 29, 2024: (Reply)

    That ass needs licked!

  4. Pussysoaker on October 28, 2024: (Reply)

    WhatsApp me 0713700668

  5. Joe on October 28, 2024: (Reply)

    Totally fuckable all day long.

  6. BigDickDaddy on October 27, 2024: (Reply)

    Id fuck ya first, id rather be 2nd or 3rd, pound your used cum filled pussy with my big cock.

  7. Ron on October 27, 2024: (Reply)

    Wanna lick that finger!

  8. Jay on October 27, 2024: (Reply)

    Dam I would love to eat both of them tasty holes

  9. Irish chris on October 27, 2024: (Reply)

    You better keep fingering ur star as my cock will be streching it out if I got a hold of you

  10. Loveeatpussy on October 26, 2024: (Reply)

    Can I eat both holes first?

  11. Shark on October 26, 2024: (Reply)

    2 very tight holes that look so sexy and delicious 😋 You definitely have a very beautiful body that is well maintained and deserves to be enjoyed and appreciated. I would love to spoil it with my tongue and rock hard cock .

  12. Anonymous on October 26, 2024: (Reply)

    Im eatin that ass!

  13. on October 26, 2024: (Reply)

    Oh I do!

  14. Steve on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Would love to use both those gorgeous holes

  15. Hunter on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Have a couple of mates can we make you air tight

  16. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    beautiful, both holes so tight love petite body

  17. HF on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    I want you 1st, 2nd and 3rd! Gorgeous.

  18. Clit Commander on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Nice little ass and pussy! Please send me more private pics of yourself. My email is Hope to see them soon.

  19. 👅 on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Laying here playing with my pussy looking to church. I really like to eat your pussy. I bet you it taste really good.😜

    • Clit Commander on October 26, 2024: (Reply)

      Can I please see what your pussy looks like? My email is Hope to see it.

  20. BMan on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    I’d love to both holes look amazing.
    any hole?

  21. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    I would eat those holes until my tongue was numb. You look delicious.

  22. Houston on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    I want you last when you have cum running out of your pussy.

Comment on Playing with my pussy and ass?

Wife’s angry pussy

Wife’s angry pussy

Wife’s pussy looks angry and ready to take it out on a cock

8 Comments for Wife’s angry pussy

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  1. Anonymous on October 29, 2024: (Reply)

    I’ll tame the shit out of it!

  2. DF on October 26, 2024: (Reply)

    Love to be her victim

  3. Buggerer on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Looks very tight. Does she like cock up her arse?

  4. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Whould be happy to let her take out her anger on my cock

  5. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Pound it some more!

  6. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Looks like that worm creature in Thor that eats people.

  7. on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Nice little angry pussy she could take it out her frustration on my big cock anytime she wants. I love it rough that pussy needs a good hard fucking lesson.

  8. Shark on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Looks needy and ready ! Perfect combination for an excellent time ! Looks delicious 😋

Comment on Wife’s angry pussy?

Wife’s pussy spread and ready

Wife’s pussy spread and ready

Her pussy is eagerly waiting to be filled up with a thick 9 inch BBC dildo. Think she can take all of it?

15 Comments for Wife’s pussy spread and ready

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  1. Paul and jenny on November 26, 2024: (Reply)

    Looks like something out of a sci-fi movie

  2. Droidhot on November 21, 2024: (Reply)

    Such a lovely hairy pussy. I want more of this. 😍

  3. Patt on October 30, 2024: (Reply)

    First thing get her a razor or talk her into letting you clean up that mess . Shave it smooth or just leave a little landing strip please and then take pictures

  4. Anonymous on October 27, 2024: (Reply)

    I’d like to see those sexy inner lips stretched around that big cock. Bet she wishes it could fill her up with cum too!

  5. Eddy on October 27, 2024: (Reply)

    Would love to see a picture of her pussy spread wide with that dildo buried in her

    • Anonymous on October 27, 2024: (Reply)

      Will post more this week.

  6. Anonymous on October 26, 2024: (Reply)

    I would love to give you the real thing anytime

  7. Anonymous on October 26, 2024: (Reply)

    My wife made a video of her fucking that big black dido it was huge and she love it came so hard 😍

  8. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Beautiful! Would love to see more of her.

  9. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    I bet she can take it or bigger

  10. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Good god! Please put that away. I can smell it from here!

  11. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    I mean if she wants something that looks like a turd going in her.

  12. Houston on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    I would love to lick that sweet pussy, love the bush.

  13. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    My wife loves her big dido ! She takes it like a champ !

  14. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    That’s just plum fucking scary right there.

Comment on Wife’s pussy spread and ready?

Wife showing it all

Wife showing it all

Here she is spreading it all

37 Comments for Wife showing it all

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  1. Anonymous on February 7, 2025: (Reply)

    Love the Feet.

  2. Anonymous on January 14, 2025: (Reply)

    Love to squirt my hot cum all over your crack and cute toes!

  3. Canuck on December 10, 2024: (Reply)

    She needs a good lick from her clit to asshole, then a nice good fuck.

  4. Anonymous on November 5, 2024: (Reply)

    Mmmm can she take big thick cock balls deep in her ass?

  5. Blaq Diq on November 2, 2024: (Reply)

    That’s hot

  6. Anonymous on October 30, 2024: (Reply)

    She’s been trained well. Spreading them beautiful holes waiting for a bwc to fuck her deep

  7. Anonymous on October 29, 2024: (Reply)

    She needs it all ate brotha!

  8. Anonymous on October 28, 2024: (Reply)

    I would eat that pussy so much.omg I know that’s some good pussy right there. If u in nc I pay taste that pussy

  9. Anonymous on October 27, 2024: (Reply)

    Poster please respond. I want your email so we can trade pics

  10. Anonymous on October 27, 2024: (Reply)

    oh, my… i wanna fuck you sooooo bad! awesome pussy…

  11. Anonymous on October 27, 2024: (Reply)

    That’s a big pussy

  12. Anonymous on October 26, 2024: (Reply)

    Let’s see such a beauty

  13. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Most beautiful setup I ever had the pleasure laying eyes on.Please can we see more…..

  14. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    I want to fuck her.U name the price. In nc

  15. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Good woman!

  16. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    That is a massive pussy slit, I bet she can pop large things up her cunt. Let’s see her with something large in her hole.

  17. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Good lord!! That’s how I would take her just like that leave her sore and dripping cum 😜

  18. Bilbo on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Her butthole looks nice, pussy is nice.

  19. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Would be a hard decision to decide which hole to taste and fuck first…

  20. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    I would pay for a closeup of that.omg cock is rock hard

  21. Clit Commander on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Very sexy pic and wow a very long pussy slit. Please send me more pics of yourself, my email is Hope to see them soon.

  22. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    I luv the way she’s spreading her ass .asking for a bwc to fuck her good. Bwc in nc here

  23. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    I luv it.Would luv to taste all her holes and then shoot my load deep inside which ever hole I happen to be in.Tge ass I imagine

  24. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Love the sexy feet! That’s one hell of a pussy.

  25. Jim stone on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Nice meaty pussy7.7 outta 10

  26. Anonymous on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Luv to lick her up and down. U in nc? Bwc here

  27. Anonymous on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Man I just came jerking off to your wife. Great spread on this bitch!

  28. Anonymous on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Oh damn, with a spread like that I’d come in hot from the top and drop the tip of my dick right on that spread asshole then I’d plunge myself and fuck that puckered stinkhole relentlessly till I busted the fattest of nuts up in it. Great spread, bitch was taught well. Hope she lets the boys fuck.

  29. Anonymous on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Can I taste her I pay u name the price

  30. Anonymous on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Did u post previous of her spreading? I cum so many times to her omg.i want to fuck her so bad.Name a price….

  31. Chuck on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    I would come in the door and go balls deep instantly.

  32. Mike on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    That’s one hell of a slit! Definitely smashing that.

  33. on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    I will start by sucking her toes then work my way up to licking her pretty ass hole. After her pussy is nice and wet I’ll fuck her hard and cum deep in her pussy!!

  34. Irish chris on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Definitely been banged from the front he needs to bang her more from behind (the 🌟

  35. Anonymous on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Very sexy that is the longest pussy slit ever I whould take a long time and a lot of licking to clean her but it whould be worth it

  36. Hunter on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Now that’s a welcoming view to come home to

  37. Anonymous on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Love the sexy feet in pic

Comment on Wife showing it all?

Mature hairy bush

Mature hairy bush

I’ve been working on growing my bush; what do you think?

22 Comments for Mature hairy bush

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  1. Anonymous on November 24, 2024: (Reply)

    That’s a sexy pussy love the bush would love to lick on it let it grow and send more photos

  2. Kenny on October 29, 2024: (Reply)

    Excellent bushing

  3. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    So fucking hot, love the hair! 10 stars

  4. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Nasty . Shave it

  5. Sean on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Sexy as fuck!!’ Let it grow!!!!!

  6. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    GREAT HAIR!!! 10⭐ bushhhhh

  7. Thick on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    I’d love to lick that pussy.

  8. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)


  9. Clit Commander on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Your pussy bush looks nice and natural. Please send me more private pics of yourself, my email is Hope to hear from you soon.

  10. Anonymous on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Show a little more of your pussy and I’ll stroke it to you. I love a full bush! I’d love shoot ropes all over yours

    • Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

      So stupid when people say shoot ropes.

  11. trucker on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    love your bush love to lick your pussy

  12. froppie the hippie on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    this ain’t the 80’s shave or at least trim it, nobody likes fighting their way through a jungle to find a dry hole.

  13. Anonymous on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Not for me. I prefer a smooth shaved pussy. Keeps me down there a lot longer. Looks like you have a beautiful vulva.

  14. Anonymous on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Nope don’t like the bush

  15. NaturalisBetter on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Nice bush! Pull your legs up, so we can get a better view of those sexy holes…

  16. 🤪 on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    The bushes back in style not a problem with me I like a big bush and I really enjoy eating a good pussy especially if it taste good

  17. Anonymous on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    I love a bush. Especially before you shower. I’d eat it any chance I got.

    • Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

      So you like a stanky ass pussy that smells like cunt juice, ass and sweat?

  18. Bum connoisseur on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Amazing thank you.

  19. In your hole yoga partner on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    I think you should shave it nothing like a mouth full of hair when you eat it !

  20. Anonymous on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    It looks great that bush makes a woman so sexy

Comment on Mature hairy bush?

My Wife’s sweet shaved juicy pussy

My Wife’s sweet shaved juicy pussy

Fingering that wet pussy again

12 Comments for My Wife’s sweet shaved juicy pussy

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  1. Anonymous on February 18, 2025: (Reply)

    Damm she needs cock !! You need to share her sweet pussy with me ! We can spit roast her she cum so hard 😏

  2. Sarah on November 9, 2024: (Reply)


  3. Rocardon on October 26, 2024: (Reply)

    Can I have your knickers to wank into?

    • Anonymous on October 27, 2024: (Reply)

      She can send them to you 🙂

  4. Anonymous on October 25, 2024: (Reply)

    Wow, look at her, that’s a juicy cunt, but she should allow any man to use her hole that wants to release their load.

    • Susan on October 27, 2024: (Reply)

      mmmm you want some?

  5. Anonymous on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Looks good

  6. Anonymous on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Looks like it’s just perfect to suck that clit, wrap my tongue around it , flicking it in and out until you started to buck backwards and forwards on face

    • Anonymous on October 27, 2024: (Reply)

      yes she likes that idea

  7. Anonymous on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Yum yum😋 😋

  8. Shark on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Looks so sexy and delicious 😋! I can ALMOST taste it 👅👅👅🔥🔥🔥💦💦

  9. Anonymous on October 24, 2024: (Reply)

    Omg! that looks so delicious

Comment on My Wife’s sweet shaved juicy pussy?